
Notes, etc. of Samuel Flint


Lecture 1

  • will study computability theory – whether a problem can be solved by a computer (ch 4, 5, 6)

    • not studying complexity theory (if a problem can be solved, how much time/space it will take to solve) (ch 7, 8, 9, 10, CSCE 423, 424)

  • Requires some preliminaries – ch 1-3

    1. finite automata

    2. push-down automata

    3. Turing machines

  • Ch 0 will be a review

Lecture 2: Chapter 0

  • review of

    • sequence

    • set

    • string

    • language


  • a list of objects in some order (may be infinite)

  • objects are referred to as elements or members

  • parens and commas for notation

  • two sequences are equal iff they have the same number of elements, the same elements, and the elements are in the same order

  • $A = (a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)$

  • $B = (b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_m)$

  • equal when $n = m$ and $a_1 = b_1$, $a_2 = b_2$, $\ldots$, $a_n = b_n$

  • Order matters

  • repetition matters

  • $|A|$ is the number of elements in A


  • A group of unordered objects (also called elements or members)

  • braces are used, an empty set is the null set

  • Two sets are equal iff they contain the same group of distinct elements – $A = B \leftrightarrow \forall x (x \in A \land x \in B)$

  • Size again denoted w/ vertical bars, but is number of distinct elements in A

  • A is a subset of B if every element of A is also an element of B

  • $P(A)$ – the powerset of A – all subsets of A

  • Cross product of A and B – $A \times B = \{(a, b) | a \in A \land B \in B \}$


  • A finite sequence of symbols over an alphabet

  • An alphabet is a set of symbols

  • empty string is denoted with $\epsilon$

  • Concatenation $xy$, $x = 01$, $y = 10$, $xy = 0110$, the empty string is ignored

  • Repetition $x^i$ – $x$ concatenated $i$ times, $x=01$, $x^2 = 0101$, $x^0 = \epsilon$

  • Reverse $x^R$ – $x = 01$, $x^R = 10$, $x = 001, x^R = 100$, $x = \epsilon, x^R = \epsilon$

  • $x$ is a palindrome if $x = x^R$

  • dictionary order – sort by first symbol, then second for those with the same first, and so forth

  • shortlex order – sort by length, and then in each length, sort by dictionary order


  • A language is a set of string over an alphabet

  • empty language denoted by empty set

  • size denoted similarly

Lecture 3: Chapter 1

  • Regular Languages

  • deterministic FA

  • non-deterministic FA

  • regular expressions

  • what exactly is a regular language – how do they connect to problems that are solveable by the three models

  • models used by many search/parse/editing tools

  • testing and verification/model checking

  • modelling OS/network protocols

Deterministic Finite Automata

  • state transition diagram – inputs are edges from a state (a node) to a state (node)

  • a finite automaton – a state diagram, plus a start state and one or more final states

  • start state and final states together define the set of strings we're interested in

  • start state indicated by arrow pointing from nowhere

  • final/accept states are indicated by a double circle

  • languages recognised by finite automaton

  • for a finite automaton $M$ and input $x$, if $M$ stops at a final state after reading $x$, we say $M$ accepts $x$, otherwise, $M$ rejects $x$

  • the language $L(M)$ recognised by a finite automaton $M$ contains all the strings accepted by $M$ (all strings that can go from start to end)

  • DFA is 5-tuple $(Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)$


    set of states


    set of input symbols


    transition function $\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q$


    initial state


    set of final/accepting states

  • State transition function can be described as diagram

    • As a function

    • as a table – first row is start state, starred rows is final state

  • swapping final states and non-final states, you get the complement of the original

  • when all states are accepting, it accepts all strings

  • when no states are accepting, it accepts nothing

Lecture 4: Chapter 1, Continued

Design of DFA

  • If a page contains a keyword – page, a string, and keyword, a substring

    • contains unl, uno, or unk; also contains cse

    • this is $L$, build DFA, minimize DFA to get minimum DFA

  • Designing the DFA – 3 steps for $M$ from $L$

    • Steps:

      1. Determine information to remember about part of an input string that $M$ has already read

      2. Represent information as a set of states

        • determine start and final states

      3. Assign transitions ($\delta: Q \times \Sigma \to Q$)

  • $L = \{x over \{0, 1\} | x no end 01\}$

    • Whether $01$ are the last two symbols

    • Symbols

      • 0

      • 1

      • 01

      • 0 is start

      • 0, 1 are accept

    • Transitions:

      • $\epsilon \to 0$

      • $(0, 0) \to 0$

      • $(0, 1) \to 01$

      • $(01, 0) \to 0$

      • $(01, 1) \to 1$

  • Strings containing 10

    • States

      • 1

      • 0

      • 10

      • 1 is start

      • 10 is accept

    • Transitions

      • $\epsilon \to 0$

      • $(0,0) \to 0$

      • $(0,1) \to 1$

      • $(1,0) \to 10$

      • $(1,1) \to 1$

      • $(10,_) \to 10$

Lecture 5: Chapter 1, continued

DFA Design, continued

  • L - over 0, 1, contains 10, doesn't end with 01

    • Combine from two others

    • Requires same alphabet

    • need to keep state of both machines

    • use pairs, built by the cross product of the two sets $Q$

    • State transition function built as:

      • $\delta_3((a, b), sym) = (\delta_1(a, sym), \delta_2(b, sym))$

      • again, the cross product

      • ensure that invalid states are removed

        • From start state, add each tranision iteratively, going by what is present, as if doing breadth-first search

  • For a $\cup$ combination:

    • do as above

    • but change final state, $F_4 = \{(s_1, s_2) | s_1 \in F_1 \lor s_2 \in F_2\}$

DFA Minimization

  • Three steps

    • steps:

      1. Partition all states into two groups $G_1$ – final states, $G_2$ – all non-final states

      2. For each group, check whether all states in the group go to the same next group for each symbol.

        • If not, partition into smaller groups

        • repeating untill no mare partitions

      3. All states in a group can be combined to a single state

        • groups with original final states become a single, new final state

        • The group with the original start state becomes the new start state

Lecture 6: Chapter 1, continued

Regular langugages

  • a language is said to be regular if there exists some DFA recognizing it

  • Theorem: For a regular language there exists a unique minimum DFA up to isomorphism

  • def'n: two DFA are isomorphic if they have different state names but the same transition function


  • why?

    • many different models

    • consider a dfa, all languages recognizable are regular, as do NFAs

    • for some regular languages, NFAs are easier to design (ex all pages containing CSE, CS or CE)

  • a transition may go to multiple states

  • transitions may be on the empty string

  • NFAs are describe similarly, but $\delta: Q \times \Sigma_{\epsilon} \to \np(Q)$

  • So long as at least one of the states currently held is accepting, the string is accepted

  • a decision tree/path forms

Lecture 7: Chapter 1, continued

  • all languages that can be recognized by a DFA are regular languages, likewise for NFA

  • A proof that DFA and NFA are equivalent

  • To show a languageg is regular, show either a DFA or an NFA

  • DFAs are a special type of NFA

  • So prove that NFAs are a subset of DFAs


  • Steps:

    1. Information – copies of the NFA states, as sets of individual states

    2. States – the powerset of $Q$ from the NFA, only consider the distinct states, accepting if any member of the state set was accepting

    3. Transitions – $\delta_d(R, sym) = \cup_{r \in R} \delta_n(r, sym)$

  • Remember to minimize the resulting DFA

  • when handling epsilon transitions, use $E(A) = A \cup \{ \mathrm{all states reached by following only epsilon transitions} \}$ for the next state, $\delta_d(R, sym) = E(\cup_{r \in R}\delta_n(r,sym))$, start state is $E(q_{n1})$

Lecture 8: Chapter 1, continued

The Regular Expression

  • Reasons

    • new model

    • used in many programming languages and software

      • vi

      • grep

      • perl

      • java

      • python

      • awk

    • write a program to check whether a string matches a given regular expression

  • An alphabet $\Sigma$

    RE language
    a {a}
    $\epsilon$ {ε}
    ∅set ∅set
    R1 ∪ R2 L(R1) ∪ L(R2)
    R1R2 L(R1) ∘ L(R2)
    R1* L(R1)*
  • Σ = {0, 1}

    • $11* \cup 0*00*$

  • $*$ means zero or more

  • $\circ$ means a followed by b, $A \circ B = \left\{ xy \mid x \in A \land y \in B \right\}$, essentialy the cross product

    • if is the empty set, the concatenation is the empty set

  • $A^n$ is A concatenated with itself $n$ times

  • $A^*$ is $A^0 \cup A^1 \cup A^2 \cup A^3 \cup \cdots$

  • $A^+$ is $A^1 \cup A^2 \cup A^3 \cup \cdots$

Lecture 9: Chapter 1, continued

  • Showing that REs accept regular expressions

  • RE to DFA/NFA

    • $a$ - start state, accept a, to final state

    • $\epsilon$ - start state is final state, no transitions other than the initial epsilon

    • $\emptyset$ - start state, no transitions, no final state

    • $R_1 \cup R_2$ - given a machine for each, use an epsilon transition to each as an NFA

    • $R_1 \circ R_2$ - all final states of $R_1$ have an epsilon transition to the initial state of $R_2$

    • $R_1^*$ - Empty state before initial, epsilon transition from each final state to the original start state

Lecture 10: Chapter 1, continued

  • DFA/NFA to RE

  • Requires GNFA

    • NFA + RE as transition labels

  • Conversion:

    1. DFA to GNFA in a special form

      1. Start state only has outgoing transitions – often just add a new start state w/ ε transition

      2. one final state, only incoming transitions – Give all final states an ε transition to a new final state

      3. Only Any state to any state: at most one transition – merge transitions with union

    2. Remove states one by one, except the start and final state – label each transition with concat of each relevant transition

    3. The label between start and final is the regular expression

Lecture 11: Chapter 1, continued

  • HW1 Due 09-21, No class 09-24, HW reviewed by TA 09-26, Exam 1 09-28

  • The Pumping lemma

    • describes a common property of all regular languages, and some non-regular languages

    • if a language has the property is it regular?

      • it may be regular

    • if it doesn't have the property, than it isn't regular

    • based on pigeonhole principle

      • if more than $p$ pigeons are placed into $p$ holes, then at least one hole will have at least one pigeon

    • Consider a reg. lang. $A$ and a DFA for $A$ as well as a string $s \in A$ of $n$ symbols

      • The path must then consist of $n + 1$ states

      • if $n + 1 > |D|$, then the path repeats some states

      • $xz$ – $x$ takes it to 9, $z$ takes it from 9 to 13

      • $xyyz$ – $x$ takes to 9

    • For any integer $i \geq 0$, $xy^iz$ is accepted by the machine

    • If $A$ is a regular language, then there is a number $p$ (the pumping length) such that for any string $s$ in $A$ with $|s|\geq p$ it can be divided into two three pieces $s = xyz$ satisfyining the following conditions

      1. for each $i \geq 0$, $xy^iz \in A$

      2. $|y| > 0$

      3. $|xy|\leq p$

    • Number of states is often the pumping number $p$ (in particular of a minimized DFA)

  • contrapositive of the pumping lemma

    • normal: if $A$ is regular, then for any long enough string, some part of its first $p$ symbols can be pumped

    • contrapositive: if for some long enough string $s$ in $A$ none of its first $p$ symbols can be pumped, then $A$ is not regular

    • Language $A$ is not regular if, for every arbitrary number $p$, there exists a string $s$ in $A$ with $|s|\geq p$ having the following property:

      • for any decomposition of $s = xyz$ in which $|xy| \leq p$, and $|y| > 0$,…

  • Do it.

    1. Let $p$ denote an arbitrary number

    2. pick a string $s \in A$ with $|s| \geq p$

    3. identify all possible decomps of $s$ into $xyz$ with $|xy| \leq p$ and $|y| \geq 0$

    4. show that for each decomp, there exists an $i \geq 0$ s.t. $xy^iz \not\in A$ (i may be different for each decomp, if it isn't a good choice, try again)

    5. conclude that $A$ is not regular.

  • $L_1 = \left\{ w \mid w \mathrm{ has the same number of a's and b's} \right\}$

    • let $p$ be arbitrary

    • Let $s = (ab)^p$ and we have $(ab)^p \in L_1$, and $|(ab)^p| = 2p > 1$

    • wrong

      • $s = xyz$, $x = \epsilon$, $y = aba$, $z = b(ab)^{p-2}$

      • let $i = 0$, then $xy^iz = xz = b(ab)^{p-2} \not\in L_1$

      • Therefore, $L_1$ isn't regular

    • Identify all possible decomps of $s$ into $xyz$ with $|xy| \leq p$ and $|y| > 0$

    • follow from here

    • Try

      • $p$ is arbit.

      • $s = a^pb^p$ and we have $a^pb^p \in L_1$

      • Ident all possible decomps of $s$ into $xyz$ with $|xy| \leq p$ and $|y| > 0$

      • $x = \epsilon$, $y = a^p$, $z = b^p$

        • $k = a^n$, $p-k \geq n \geq 0$

        • $y = a^k$, $p \geq k \geq 1$

        • $z = a^{p-n-k}b^p$

      • ex, $y = 2$, thus, language isn't regular.

  • Consider $L_2 = \{ww | w \in \{a,b\}^*\}$

    • $p$ is arbitrary

    • $s = a^pba^pb$

    • $y = a^k$, $p \geq k \geq 1$, $x = a^n$, $p-k \geq n \geq 0$; $z$ is the remainder

    • falls through as before

Lecture 12: Chapter 1, Continued

  • proving non-regularity

  • $L_3 = \{a^mb^n | m > n\}$

    • $p$ is arbitrary

    • $s = a^{p+1}b^p$

    • $y=a^k$, $p \geq k \geq 1$

    • $x=a^n$, $p-k \geq n \geq 0$, $z = remaining$

    • $i = 0$, $xy^iz = xz = a^{p+1-k}b^p$, $\not\in L_3$

  • Closure properties

    • $A \cup B$ – regular

      • combine NFA/DFA – easy

    • $A \circ B$ – regular

      • combine NFA/DFA – similarly easy

    • $A^*$ – regular

      • Allow accepting empty string and repeats

    • $A \cap B$ – regular

      • see notes for DFA, can be extended to NFA

    • $\bar{A}$ – regular

      • switch final/non-final states

    • Reverse of a language a is defined as follows: $A^R = \{w^R | w \in A\}$

      • change direction of transitions, start state becomes final, if multiple final states, add a new state w/ epsilon transitions to old final states

      • Also regular

    • $\Sigma = \{a, b\}$, $\Gamma = \{0, 1\}$

      • $h(a) = 00$, $h(b) = 01$

      • if $A$ is regular, than $h(A)$ is also regular

  • Closure properties can be used as for a contrapositive w/ the pumping lemma.

  • $L_4 = \{w | w \text{has different number of a's and b's}\}$

    • We see that $\bar{L_4} = L_1$

    • we have already proven that L_1 is not regular, therefore L_4 is not regular

  • $L_5 = \{a^nb^n | n \geq 0\}$

    • $L_5 = L_1 \cap a*b*$

    • therefore, $L_5$ is not regular – wrong! L_1 is not regular to begin with!

    • Subset property doesn't apply either

Lecture 13: Chapter 2, Context Free Languages

  • is it possible to design a computer to solve a problem?

    • chapter 1 , whether or not it's possible to design a DFA/NFA/RE for a given language

    • to simplify – consider only decision problems – is a number divisible by 5

    • Is it possible to design a computer to solve a decision problem

    • what does it mean to solve – determine yes or no given an input

    • input must be encoded

    • whether or not strings are accepted

    • is it possible to design a computer to recognize lang of decision problem

  • Models and Languages:

    1. DFA/NFA/RE – smallest group, regular languages

    2. PDA/CFG – Context Free Languages

    3. Real Computers – problems solvable by computer

    4. Turing Machines – Turing-recognizable languages

  • The CFG

    • mathematical model to describe languages

    • widely used in many applications

      • specify programming languages

      • generate images (

      • automatically generate CS papers (

    • Ex:

      • $A \to 0A1$

      • $A \to \epsilon$

      • LHS is a variable

      • non variables, non empty string are terminals

    • $(V, \Sigma, R, S)$

      • $V$ – Set of Variables

      • $\Sigma$ – Set of Terminals (alphabet)

      • $R$ – Set of Rules

      • $S$ – Start Variable

    • Rules may be combined – $A \to 0A1 | \epsilon$

    • Start from variable – find a rule that matches, and continue by variable.

    • $\left\{ w \mathrm{over} \Sigma | S \Rightarrow^* w \right\}$

    • parse trees may be used to explain a CFG

      • graphical/tree-based structure

    • Ex:

      • $S \to S + S$

      • $S \to a$

  • CFGs are more powerful that DFA/NFA/RE

    • Convert REs to a CFG

      1. $a \iff S \to a$

      2. $\epsilon \iff S \to \epsilon$

      3. $\emptyset \iff S \to S$ (or no rules)

      4. $R_1 \cup R_2 \iff S_1 \to R_1, S_2 \to R_2, S \to S_1 | S_2$

      5. $R_1 \circ R_2 \iff S \to SR_1 SR_2$

      6. $R_1^* \iff S \to \epsilon | SR_1 S$

    • For NFA/DFA:

      • $S_i = sym S_j$

Lecture 14: Review

  • be careful when designing DFAs

  • use the examples

  • make sure to minimize

Lecture 15: Context Free Grammars

  • $L_1 = \left\{a^nb^n | n \geq 0 \right\}$

    • $R \to \epsilon$

    • $R \to a R b$

  • Two methods:

    • Union Method – union of multiple smaller languages

    • concatenation method – concatenation of multiple smaller languages

    • recursive – $L_1L_2L$

    • special cases

  • $L_2 = \left\{a^m b^n | m > n \geq 0\right\}$

    • $S_2 \to a S_2$

    • $S_2 \to a S_1$

  • $L_2 = \left\{a^mb^n | m \neq n\right\}$

    • $S_3 \to S_2 | B$

    • $B \to B b$

    • $B \to S_1 b$

    • $B^{\prime} \to B b | b$

  • $L_4 = \{ a^ib^ja^k | j > i + k, i \geq 0, k \geq 0 \}$

    • $S_4 \to S_1 B^{\prime} S_1^R$

  • $L_5 = \{ x over \{a, b\} | x is a palindrome \}

    • $S_5 \to \epsilon$

    • $S_5 \to a$

    • $S_5 \to b$

    • $S_5 \to b S_5 b$

    • $S_5 \to a S_5 a$

  • $L_6 = \{ x over \{a, b\} | x is not a palindrome \$}

    • $S_6 \to a S_6 a$

    • $S_6 \to b S_6 b$

    • $S_6 \to a T b$

    • $S_6 \to b T a$

    • $T \to aT | bT | \epsilon$

  • $L_7 = \{ x over \{a, b\} | x has the same number of a's and b's \}$

    • $S_7 = a S_7 a$

    • $S_7 = b S_7 a$

    • $S_7 = S_7 S_7$

    • $S_7 = \epsilon$

Lecture 16: PDA (Pushdown Automaton)

  • a new model

    • Adds a stack to a DFA/NFA

  • cfg – specify a programming language

  • PDAs can be used to design the compiler (See CSCE 425)

  • PDAs may be built upon either DFA or NFA, based upon NFA is more powerful

  • Stacks have 2 ops

    • push – push a symbol onto the top of the stack

    • pop – pop the symbol off of the top of the stack

  • Edges are now labeled differently: ($a, B \to C$)

    • if current state is $P$, and $a$ is input symbol, and $B$ is the top of the stack symbol, then take transition, read input symbol, POP symbol B, and push $C$, going to new state $Q$

    • with $\epsilon$ as $B$, the transition may be taken no matter the current symbol, and no symbol is to be popped

    • with $\epsilon$ as $C$, don't push any symbol

    • $\epsilon, \epsilon \to \epsilon$ – don't read, don't change the stack

    • shortcuts do exist

  • Formal Description:

    • NFA:






      $Q \time \Sigma_\epsilon \to P(Q)$


      Start state


      Final States

    • PDA:




      Input Alphabet


      Stack Alphabet – all possible stack symbols


      $Q \time \Sigma_\epsilon \times \Gamma_\epsilon \to P(Q \times \Gamma_\epsilon)$


      Final States

  • \$ is used to denote the first thing (popping will be empty stack)

  • An input string is accepted by a PDA if at least one copy of the PDA stops at a final state after reading the input string.

  • Use a 'configuration' to show how it works in homework:

    • (current state, remaining input symbols, contents of the stack)

    • $(1, aab, \epsilon) \Rightarrow (2, aab, \$) ⇒ (2, ab, A\$) \Rightarrow (2, b, AA\$) ⇒ (3, ε, A\$) \Rightarrow (4, \epsilon, \$)$

Lecture 17: PDAs, Continued

  • Designing a PDA for a language

    • Split input string

    • $S_1 = S_2^R$

    • $|S_1| \leq |S_2|$ or other comparison

  • $L_1 = \{ wcw^R | w over \{a,b\}\}$

    • $Q = \{1,2,3,4}$

    • $q_0 = 1$

    • $F = \{4\}$

    • 2 makes a copy of the first part

    • 3 compares the first part with the second

    • transition to 4 on acceptance

  • $L_2 = \{ ww^R | w over \{a,b\}\}$

    • $Q = \{1,2,3,4}$

    • $q_0 = 1$

    • $F = \{4\}$

    • 2 makes a copy of the first part

    • epsilon, epsilon, epsilon transition between 2 and 3

    • 3 compares the first part with the second

    • transition to 4 on acceptance

  • $L_3 = \{ w | w = w^R over \{a, b\} \}$

    • add a transition between 2,3 tha reads either char but doesn't change the stack

Lecture 18: Equivalence of PDA and CFG

  • PDA to CFG

  • Special form of PDA as first step

    • Only one final state – epsilon transitions from old final sates to new

    • Stack must be empty at the final state

      • Ex: $\Gamma = \{ \$, A, B \}$

      • Requires loop-back transitions to pop remaining stack symbols at the end

    • A transiion is either a push transition ($a, \epsilon \to x$) or a pop transition ($a, x \to \epsilon$)

  • States P, Q – CFG Var $A_pq$ (all strings that can go from p to q without changinging the top stack symbol at p, and the top stack at p has never been popped) – Three types:

    • $p\to r$ ($a, \epsilon \to x$) (push), $s \to q$ ($b, x \to e$) (pop) – $A_pq = a A_rs b$

    • $p v q$ – $A_pq \to A_pv A_vq$

    • $p$ – $A_pp \to \epsilon$

Lecture 19: PDA to CFG

  • Continue given previous rules

  • Generating rules from the three types of rules

  • In $A_pq \to a A_rs b$, $A_rs$ must satisfy the same conditions as $A_pq$

  • push to pop in order for generating rules

Lecure 20: The Pumping Lemma for CFGs

  • Review of the Pumping Lemma for Regular Langugages

    • The loop

  • Pumping Lemma for CFGs

    • Assume each node has at most 3 child nodes

    • If height is 1, it has at most 3 nodes

    • If a tree has at least 3 leaf nodes, its height is at least 1

    • $S \to aSb$, $S \to \epsilon$, $ab$

    • Nuber of child nodes of a variable node is the number of symbols on the rhs of the rule

    • Assume that each rule has at most $b$ symbols on the RHS, if a string as at least $B$ symbols, the height of the parse tree is at least $b$

    • Generally,

      • $b$ is the max number of symbols on the RHS of a rule

      • $v$ is the total number of variables

    • Consider a string $s$ that can be derived by the grammar, if $s$ has at least $b^{v+1}$ symbols, then

      • the height of the trea is at least $v + 1$

      • and the number of nodes is at least $v + 2$

      • The number of variables – the longest path has at least $v + 1$ variable nodes

      • According to the pigeonhole principle, some variable occurs at least once on the longest path

      • the number of terminals – $v + 1$

      • here are two subtrees under this parse tree – one for the earlier $T$ and another for the later.

      • The inner tree may be replaced with the outer, or likewise the outer with the inner

    • Requires 2 pumped sequences?

    • Lemma: If $A$ is a CFL, then there exists a pumping length $p$ such that for any stirng $s \in A$ with $|s| \geq p$, it can be devided into five pieces, $s = uvxyz$ satisfying the following conditions:

      1. For any integer $i \geq 0$, $uv^ixy^iz \in A$

      2. $|vy| > 0$ (one of $v$ and $y$ could be empty, but not both at the same time)

      3. $|vxy| \leq p$ ($vxy$ are not necessarily the first $p$ symbols since $|u|$ is unknown)

    • Contrapositive: if for any $p$ there exists a string $s \in A$ with $|s| \geq p$, having the following property: For any decomposition of $s = uvxyz$ in which $|vy| > 0$ and $|vxy| \leq p$, there is an integer $i \geq 0$ for which $uv^ixy^iz \not\in A$, then the language is not context free.

  • Using the new Pumping Lemma

  • Prove that $L = \left\{ a^nb^nc^n | n \geq 0\right\}$

    • Let $p$ be an arbitrary number,

    • Consider $s = a^pb^pc^p$ and consider all possible decompositions as specified

    • Cases:

      1. $vy$ has only $a$

        • if we set $i = 0$, we remove both $v$ and $y$

        • note, $i \neq 0$ prevents validity

      2. $vy$ consists of both $a$ and $b$

        • $i = 0$, any $i \neq 1$

      3. $vy$ has only $b$

        • See above

      4. $vy$ consists of both $b$ and $c$

        • See above

      5. $vy$ has only $c$

        • See above

    • Likewise, $\{w over \{a, b, c\} | |w|_a = |w|_b = |w|_c\}$ follows, by the same string

Lecture 21: The Pumping Lemma, Continued

  • For a string $s$ in a cfl, $A$, if $s$ is sufficiently long, then on the longest path from the root to a leaf in the parse tree, some variable appears more than once.

  • If $A$ is a cfl, then there exists a pumping length $p$ such that for any stirng $s \in A$, with $|s| > p$, it can be dividied into five pieces, $s = uvxyz$, satisfying the following conditions:

    1. For any integerr $i \ge 0$, $uv^ixy^iz \in A$

    2. $|vy| > 0$

    3. $vxy \leq p$

  • Describes a common property

  • if has the property, it may be cf, but if it doesn't, it isn't CF, see contrapositive above

  • Prove that the following language is not context free: $L = \{ ww | w over \{a,b\}\}$

    • Given cases 1-8, if $i \neq 1$, then $s \not\in L$

    • For case 9:

      • if $v$ and $y$ have the same number of $a$s, string $a^pba^pb$ isn't a good choice

    • Let $p$ be arbitrary, and $s = a^pb^pa^pb^p$

    • For each case, if $i = 0$, the string doesn't hold. Any integer $i \neq 1$ holds. Language is not CFG

  • For $L = \{ wcw | w over \{a,b\}\}$

    • First Proof:

      • $s = a^pb^pca^bp^b$

      • 11 cases

      • For each case, if $i = 0$, the string doesn't fit

    • Different Proof:

      • List all possible decomps depending on whether $vy$ contains symbol $c$

      • 2 cases:

        • $c \in vy$

          • $i = 0$, new string $uxz$ doesn't have $c$, and thus not in $L$, in fact, $i \neq 1$ works.

        • $c \not\in vy$

          • Because $|vxy| \leq p$, $v$ and $y$ must contain a different number of symbols. Therefore, $s \not\in L$, and language not CF.

Closure Property

  • CLASS is closed under $\odot$ if $A,B \in CLASS$, then $A\dotcirc B \in CLASS$

  • Properties:

    • Union – Closed

    • Concatenation – Closed

    • Star – Closed

    • Intersection – Not Closed

    • Complement – Not Closed

Proving $L$ is CF

  • Design a PDA

  • Design a CFG

  • Use closure property

  • To prove not CF

    • use pumping lemma

    • and closure property

Lecture 22: Context-Free Languages, continued


  • Ex:

    • $S \to S_1 S_2$

    • $S_1 a S_1$

    • $S_1 \to a$

    • $S_2 \to a S_2 b$

    • $S_2 \to \epsilon$

  • Generate a transition for each rule, and for each terminal

  • terminals pop items, rules may push as well as pop

  • Use left-most derivation to follow the PDA

Group Activity

  • Be careful when traversing a tree from a PDA

Midterm Review

  • pumping lemma was a problem

    • $s$ must be defined generally, and $|s| \geq p$

    • Consider all possible decompositions, $s = xyz$, $s$ must be specific!

Lecture 23: Chapter 3, The Turing Machine

  • Initially only the standard turing machine, but from there, some variants

  • Recall DFA/NFA and PDA/CFG

  • Turing Machine

    • Note: These are deterministic

    • semi-infinite input tape, infinite to the right

    • blank symbols after the original string, infinitely many

    • finite number of states

    • Input tape may be written to

    • tape head can be moved left or right

    • Transition, ex: from $P$ to $Q$, $a \to b, c$

      • $P$ – current state

      • $Q$ – next state

      • $a$ is the current tape symbol

      • $b$ is the new tape symbol

      • $c$ is either $L$ or $R$, $L$ to move head to left, $R$ to move to right

        • Moving left at leftmost edge

    • Recognizes Turing-recogniseable languages (i.e., $a^nb^nc^n$)

    • Has 2 final states – accept or reject

    • When the machine enters the accept state, the machine accepts

    • Enters the reject state or no more transitions to take

    • Status may be described as a "configuration", (symbols on lhs of tape head, current state, current symbol, symbol on rhs of tape head)

    • Described as:

      • $Q$ – States

      • $\Sigma$ – Input Symbols

      • $\Gamma$ – Tape Alphabet, $\Sigma \subseteq \Gamma$, Space $\in \Gamma$

      • $\delta$ – $Q \times \Gamma \to Q \times \Gamma \times \{l, r\}$

      • $q_{0}$ – Initial State

      • $q_{accept}$ – Accept State

      • $q_{reject}$ – Reject State

Lecture 24: Chapter 3, The Turing Machine

  • Design of a TM is like writing a program

  • Algorithm is a high-level idea

  • TM is the implementation

  • $\{a^{2^n} | n \geq 0\}$

    • Count number of $a$s, say $m$

    • check if $m$ is a power of 2

    • Unary number to represent $m$

    • use a binary number to represent $m$

  • Unary numbers, single symbol, $m$ is represented by $m$ symbols

  • binary, two symbols, etc

  • $a$ with unary number

    • input string is already a unary number

    • Checking whether a decimal number is a power of 2

      • divide by 2 until an odd number. If the odd number is $1$, $m$ is a power of 2

    • Divide by 2, by replacing every other $a$ with a special symbol

    • See turing machine from slides (TM1)

  • $a$ with binary counter

    • remove an a from the string, increase counter by one

    • count should be lsb first

    • check to make sure that only the last bit is 1

    • only count $m - 1$, and then check only 1s in counter

    • See TM2 from slides

  • $#x#y#z$ where $x = y + z$ and $x, y, and $z$ are unsigned binary numbers, and the MSB is 1, MSB is first bit

    • sum = y + z ; if sum == x, accept, reject

    • while y > 0, i–, z++; if x == z, accept, reject

    • while y > 0, y–, x–; while z > 0, z–, x–, if x == 0, accept, reject

    • mark left end with submachine

    • mini machine for initial validity (MSB check)

    • mini machine for checking if $y = 0$

    • mini machine for $y--$

      • find LSB, if 1, replace with 0

      • if 0, replace with 1, if next is 1, replace with 0, else, if next is 0, loop from start of step (if 0, replace w/ 1…)

    • mini machine for $z++$

      • check if overflow, if so, shift $z$ right and add a 1, else, continue

    • Another machine to check if $x = z$

Lecture 25: Chapter 3, The Turing Machine – Extensions

  • Standard TM: Left, Right, state machine and rewrite rules

  • Variants

    • Stay

    • bi-infinite tape

    • jump option

    • non-deterministic

    • multiple tapes

    • multiple tape heads

    • 2 dimensional tape

  • Stay option

    • $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \to Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R, S\}$

    • simulated using an intermediate state

    • which doesn't change the intermediate symbol

  • Bi-infinite tape

    • Mapping

      • cell-to-cell – each of T2's tape is mapped to a cell in T1's tape – every other mapping

      • string mapping – write the string of T2's tape on T1's tape

    • Will require special transitions, with one or more special intermediate state

Lecture 26: Chapter 3, The Turing Machine – Extensions, Continued

  • multiple tapes

    • $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \times \Gamma \to Q \time \Gamma \time \Gamma \times \{L, R\} \times \{L, R\}$

    • Considers symbols on tape one and two, new symbols on 1, 2; directions on tape 1, 2

    • equivalent to normal TM

    • Use a tape mapping – cell-to-cell or string

    • Use string mapping, and special symbols (dotted) to denote current location of head

    • From here, a series of special transitions is required. These are ugly.

  • Non-deterministic Turing Machine

    • new outcome – loop, loops forever on $w$

Lecture 27: Chapter 3, The Turing Machine, Variants: The Non-deterministic TM

  • remember - rejecting $w$ means it either enters reject or reaches a place of no more transitions

  • in NDTM, $\delta: Q \times \Gamma \to P(Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R\})$

  • An NDTM accepts a string if at least one copy of the NDTM accepts the string.

  • An NDTM rejects a string if every copy rejects $w$.

  • An NDTM loops on $w$ if no copy accepts $w$ and at least one copy loops on $w$

  • Designing a TM from an NDT:

    • $T1$ searches the computation tree of $T2$ on string $w$, if accept node found, $T1$ accepts $w$

    • Search is done using BFS to avoid issues with looping

    • searching is done in shortlex order

    • From NDTM with three tapes, input string, node id, one copy of $T2$, to a standard TM

Lecture 28: More Models – Enumerators

  • Has multiple tapes, but last one is write-only

  • $L(E)$ – the language of all strings printed out on the write-only tape

  • has no input string

  • $L(T)$ – all strings accepted by a TM.

  • Enumerator to TM:

    • $T$ accepts $x$ if $x \in L(E)$

    • $E$ has $m$ tapes, $T$ has $m + 1$ tapes

    • $T$ simulates $E$

    • Every time $E$ prints out a string $w$ on the WO tape, $T$ checks if $w = x$, if so, $T$ accepts $x$, else, continue

    • Thus, $L(T) = L(E)$

  • TM to Enumerator:

    • For $i = 1$ to $\infty$

      • $E$ simulates $T$ on string $S_i$

      • If $T$ accepts $S_i$, $E$ prints out $S_i$ on the write only tape

      • If $T$ loops on $S_i$,

    • However, $L(E) \neq L(T)$, because of loops – remedy as follows:

      • For $n = 1$ to $\infty$

        • For $i = 1$ to $n$,

          • $E$ simulates $T on $S_i$ for $n$ steps

          • If $T$ accepts $S_i$, E prints out $S_i$ on the output tape

      • Then $L(E) = L(T)$

  • These are recursively enumerable a/k/a a Turing recognizeable language

  • A language is recursively enumerable iff a languages is Turing Recogniseable

  • Adding a stack to a DFA/NFA gives a PDA

Multi-stack PDAs

  • PDA-2 > PDA-1

  • PDA-3 = PDA-2


  • $A \to \alpha$ – $A$ can be replaced by $\alpha$

  • Instead, generate a CSG

    • $xAy \to x\alpha y$ – A can only be replaced by $\alpha$ if surrounded by $x$ and $y$

    • Human languages are context sensitive

    • Turing machine is more powerful

More Models

  • LBA

  • $\lambda$-Calculus

  • $\mu$-recursive functions – similar to modern computers

  • register machines

  • Have same power as a TM

  • Any algorithm that can be carried out at all (by a single person, a finite number of people, a computer, a computational model) can be carried out by a TM. – The Church-Turing Thesis

Lecture 29: Languages and Closure Properties

  • Regular Language Closure Properties

    • Union

    • Concatenation

    • Star

    • Intersection

    • Complement

  • Context Free

    • Union

    • Concatenation

    • Star

  • Turing Recognizeable

    • Union – Run A, if A accepts, fine. If B accepts, fine.

      • Accept if either accept

      • Reject if both reject

      • Loop if both loop

    • Concatenation and star are part of homework

    • Intersection – Also Holds

      • If a and b accept, if either reject, rejectx

    • Complement – May or may not be recognizeable – See Ch. 4, will be shown later

Further Languages – The Decider

  • A special case of the TM, a subset of Turing-recognizeable languages

    • but a superset of CFLs

  • All languages that outside of Decideable languages cannot have a Decider built. those that are Turing-recognizeable can have a TM built, outside of that, cannot

  • Does DFA $D$ accept string $w$?

    • Network protocol – a sequence of network messages

    • soda machine – a sequence of actions

    • Languages $A_{DFA} = \left\{\langle D, w \rangle \mid D \textrm{accepts} w \right\}$

    • Language is "red"

    • Proof $A_{DFA}$ is decidable.

      • Encoding 1: $\#p,q\#a,b\#p,a,p\#p,b,q\#q,b,p\#q,a,q\#p\#p\#\#abb\#$

        • $\Sigma = \left\{p,q,b,a,\#,','\right\}$

      • Encoding 2: Use $0$ and $1$ for symbols, and map to various options

      • Assume an encoding and then design a decider

        • Input: an encoding string

        • simulate $d$ on $w$, if $d$ accepts, accept, if rejects, reject

Lecture 30: More Languages, Continued

  • $L$ is Turing Recognizable

    • Design TM for $L$ such that if $x \in L$, $M$ stops and accepts $x$ (answer is yes)

      • if $M$ stops and rejects $x$, answer no

      • if $M$ runs forever, no answer

  • $L$ is Decideable

    • only two answers, yes and no

    • Design a decider $M$ for $L$, such that

      • if $x \in L$, $M$ stops and accepts $x$

      • if $x \not\in L$, $M$ stops and rejects $x$

  • The Decision problem

    • Does a DFA $D$ accept a string $x$

    • Language $ADFA = ≤ft\{⟨le D, W ⟩le \mid D \textrm{accepts} w \right\}

    • $A_{DFA}$ is decideable – a decider can be designed for the language

    • Decider checks if encoding is valid – if not, reject

      • then simulate $D$ on $w$ – if accept, accept, else, reject

    • Doesn't work for NFAs with this same system

      • After checking validity, convert NFA to DFA, then follow DFA rules

    • Similarly for RE, convert to DFA

The Emptiness Testing problem

  • Check if $D$ has $L(D) = \emptyset$

    • Check if $D$ is valid, if not reject

    • For $i = 1$ to $\infty$

      • simulate $D$ on $S_1$

      • If accepts, reject

    • At the end, accept

    • Not a decider

    • Instead, check for a final state with at least one inward transition, if exists, reject, else accept

Equivalence problem

  • given two machines, do they recognize the same language

  • Problem is decidable

  • For each strig $x = S_1$

    • simulate $D_1$ on $x$

    • simulate $D_2$ on $x$

    • If both accept/reject, continue; else reject

  • Not correct option – infinite loop

  • Instead

    • minimize both DFAs and check if equivalent, if so, accept, else reject

    • Decider 2

      • has 2 submachines

      • 1

        • Reads input string, outputs new string, $\langle C \rangle$

        • $L(D_1) \cap \overbar{L(D_2)} = \emptyset$, likewise with $D_1$ and $D_2$ switched

        • Then union the two – this is $C$

      • 2

        • Uses Decider for emptiness test on $\langle C \rangle$

        • Accept if this accepts

        • reject if this rejects

      • Will use this method for other problems

Lecture 31: Properties of CFGs


  • $A_{CFG} = \left\{ \langle G, w \rangle \mid G \textrm{generates} w \right\}$

    • $G$ is a PL spec

    • $w$ is source code of a program

  • Design a decider forr $A_{CFG}$ – a compiler or interpreter

  • Proving so

    • A decider $x$, input is encoding

    • Check if input string, reject if invalid

    • two possibilities – accept and reject

    • Convert $G$ to an equivalent PDA $P$

    • If $P$ accepts $w$, then accept, if $P$ rejects, then reject

    • Issue, what if $P$ is non-deterministic

  • Issues – don't try to generate all possible strings within the language

  • Convert any CFG $G$ to Chomsky Normal Form $G^{\prime}$ – See chapter 2

    • If a string $w$ can be generated by $G^{\prime}$, it is generated by $G^{\prime}$ in exactly $2n-1$ stepps, where $n = |w|$

    • Ex:

      • $S \to AB | CC | \epsilon$

      • $A \to AB | CC$

      • $B \to CC$

      • $C \to a | b$

    • Each variable can be replaced by either exactly two variables or exactly one terminal, exclusively. Unless start variable, which may also be replaced by the empty string

  • So, to decide for a CFG,

    • If invalid, reject.

    • Convert $G$ to $G^{\prime}$ in Chomsky Normal Form

    • Generate all possible strings with $n = |w|$ symbols

    • Check if $w$ is generated, if so, accept, else, reject

  • Bounded by $2|w|$

  • And thus compilers work!

  • PDAs may become a CFG, and then as before


  • $E_{CFG} = \left\{ \langle G \rangle \mid G is CFG \land L(G) = \emptyset \right\}$

    • Convert $G$ to PDA $P$

    • Check $P$ for final state, if has it, reject, if not, accept

  • But not quite!

  • Instead:

    • If invalid, reject

    • Find a set $T$ that contains all variables tthat generate at least one string of terminals

      • If $S \in T$, reject

      • Else, accept

  • To generate $T$

    • $T = \{\}$

    • For each rule $A \to w$

      • If $A \not\in T$

        • If $w$ doesn't have any variables, add $A$ to $T$

        • Else variable in $w \in T$, add $A$ to $T$

    • Repeat above until no more new variabels can be added to $T$

  • This is therefore decidable


  • $EQ_{CFG} = \left\{ \langle G_1, G_2 \rangle | L(G_1) = L(G_2) \right\}$

  • Chapter 5, will be proven that is not decideable

Lecture 32: Acceptance problem of Turing Machines:

  • Given a TM $M$ and a string $w$, know if $M$ accepts $w$

    • For Machine Program $M$ in lecture, and $w = ab$, $w = abc$ and $w = abcab$ – works, but may not always

  • Then:

    • $U$ – a machine akes in an encoding

      • If encoding is invalid, reject

      • Simulate $M$ on $w$

        • If accepts, accept

        • If rejects, reject

      • Not a decider! But, is $U$ a TM?

        • $S_{accept}$ is $A_{TM}$

        • $S_{reject}$ $M$ rejects $w$ and invalid encoding strings

      • Then $A_{TM}$ is Turing-recognizeable, by $U$

  • $A_{TM}$ is undecideable – by contradiction

    • Assume that $A_{TM}$ is decidable, then there is a decider $H$ for $A_{TM}$

      • Then $H$ accepts if $M$ accepts

      • Reject otherwise.

    • Then make a new machine, $X$ using $H$

    • $X$ takes an encoding of a TM, $M$, simulating $M$ on the encoding of itself.

    • If $H$ accepts, reject, else if $H$ rejects, accept

      • $X$ rejects if $M$ accepts $\langle M \rangle$

      • $X$ accepts if $M$ does not accept $\langle M \rangle$

    • Will $X$ accept itself? No! Contradiction

      • Accepts if $X$ rejects $\langle X \rangle$

      • Rejects if $X$ accepts $\langle X \rangle$

      • Contradiction!

    • Thus, $A_{TM}$ is undecideable! Turing, Church, 1936

  • Youtube video for Halting Problem

Lecture 33: Review of HW 3/4

  • Problem 1 – use recursive structure, likewise for problem 2

  • PDA for $L_1$

    • Push an $A$ for each $a$

    • Then have a recognizer for one $b$, two $b$'s and three $b$'s

    • Uses non-deterministic transitions, similar for $L_2$

  • Do algebra on inequalities

Chapter 4, Continued

  • Problems that are not Turing recognizable

  • All languages that can be recognized by real computers

  • There exists an infinite number of turing unrecognizeable languages

    • The number of languages is greater than the number of turing machines

    • there is an infinite number of Turing machines

    • Definitions today

  • Definitions

    Function $f$

    $f$ is a function from set $A$ to set $B$ if $f$ maps each element of $A$ to exactly one element of $B$. $A \neq \emptyset$, $B \neq \emptyset$; $f: A \to B$

    Function $f$ is one-to-one (injective)

    If $\forall a_1, a_2 \in A$, $a_1 \neq a_2$ implies $f(a_1) \neq f(a_b)$

    Function $f$ is onto (surjective)

    if for each $b \in B$, there is at least one $a$ such that $f(a) = b$

    Function $f$ is correspondence (bijective)

    iff $f$ is both injective and surjective

Lecture 34: Chapter 4, Continued – Problems that aren't Turing Recognizeable

  • Theorem 1: \(f: A \to B\) is correspoondence, tthen \(f^{-1}:B -to A\) is also correspondence

  • Sets a and B have the same size \(|A| = |B|\) iff \(A\) and \(B\) have the same number of elements – applies on both finite and infinite sets

  • Set $A$ has a smaller size than $B$, $|A| < |B|$ if there is a one-to-one function from $A$ to $B$, but no correspondence between $A$ and $B$ (again, for both finite and infinite sets)

  • For infinite set $A$:

    • If there is a corresbondence between $A$ and $\mathbb{N} = \{1, 2, 3, \ldots\}$, then $|A| = |N|$ and $A$ is countably infinite.

    • Theorem 2: If there is no correspondence between $A$ and $\mathbb{N}$, then $|A| > |N|$, and $A$ is uncountably infinite

  • EX: $E = \{ x | x \in \mathbb{Z}, x \mod{2} \equiv 0\}$

    • Countably infinite. Several options for mapping.

  • $O = \{ x | x \in \mathbb{Z}, x \mod{2} \equiv 1 }$ – countably infinite

  • $\mathbb{Z} = E \cup O$ – Still countably infinite

    • Several options for correspondence

  • $S$ – All possible strings over $\Sigma$

    • Countably infinite if $\Sigma$ is finite

  • $B$ – All possible infinite sequences over $\Sigma = \{0, 1}$

    • Uncountably infinite.

    • By Contradiction. $f: N \to B$ is a correspondence

    • Then there exists a $b \in B$, s.t. for each symbol at index $n$, it is the opposite symbol than at index $n$ of $f(n)$

    • Contradiction – there does not exist an $n$ such that $f(n) = b$.

  • Theorem 3: If $|A = |N|$ and $B \sub A$, then $|B| = |N|$

  • If $|A| = |B|$ and $|A| > |N|$, then $|B| > |N|$

  • Number of languages vs number of TMs

    • $M$ is all possible TMs; $L$ is all possible languages

      • $|M| = |N|$

        • $|M| = |M_C|$ where $M_C$ is all possible encoding strings

        • $|M_C| = |N|$ as $M_C \sub S$

      • $|L| > |N|$

        • $|L| = |B| > |N|$

        • A correspondence bust be formed between $L$ and $B$ – See Slides

Lecture 35: Chapter 4, Continued – A specific Turing-Unrecognizeable language

  • Theorem: A language $L$ is decideable iff $L$ is Turing-recognizeable and $\overbar{L}$ is Turing-recognizeable ($L$ is co-Turing-recognizeable).

    • Proof (forwards):

      • Given a Decider $D$ for $L$, Given $x$, accept if $x \in L$, reject if $x \not\in L$

      • Then given a TM $M_1$ for $L$, accept if $x \in L$, reject if $x \not\in L$ or if $x$ causes $M_1$ to loop

      • Likewise a TM for $\overbar{L}$ called $M_2$.

      • $M_1$ is a decider, accept if accept, reject or loop otherwise

      • For $M_2$, use decider, if decider accepts, reject or loop, if decider rejects, accept

    • Proof (backwards):

      • While true:

        • Sim $M_1$ for one step on $x$

        • Sim $M_2$ for one step on $x$

        • If $M_1$ accepts, accept

        • If $M_2$ accepts, reject

  • Then $\overbar{A_{TM}}$ is Turing-unrecognizeable

    • Proof: Assume $\overbar{A_{TM}}$ is Turing-recognizeable. And $A_{TM}$ is Turing-recognizeable. Then $A_{TM}$ is decideable. $\textreferencemark$ $A_{TM}$ is thus Turing-unrecognizeable.

  • Closure properties of deciedale languages:

    • Union

    • Concatenation

    • Star

    • Intersection

    • Complement

Lecture 34: Chapter 5 – The Reduction Method

  • Consider two problems, $X$ and $Y$

    • Whether either is is decideable, or is Turing-recognizeable

    • Assume a solution for $Y$ (a decider or TM)

    • We say tha $X$ can be reduced to $Y$ ($X$ is reducible to $Y$), $X \leq Y$ if we can design a solution to $X$ using the solution to $Y$.

  • Assuming a decider for $Y$

    • Decider for $X$ is built on this.

    • A general reduction method

  • The Mapping Reduction Method:

    • Given an assumed decider to $Y$

    • A Mapping function $f$ is used to take the input for $X$ and convert it to input for $Y$

    • $f$ must be computable, and a TM that halts on every input string $x$ and outputs $f(x)$ on its tape

  • Application:

    • If $X \leq Y$

      • If $Y$ is decideable, then $X$ is decideable

      • If $X$ is undecideable, then $Y$ is also undecidable

      • If $Y$ is Turing-recognizeable, then $X$ is also (See $A_{TM}$)

      • If $X$ is Turing-unrecognizeable, then $Y$ is likewise

  • Example: $X = EQ_{DFA} = \left\{ \langle D_1, D_2 \rangle \right\}$, as well as $Y =$ Emptiness.

    • Decider for $E_{DFA}$

    • Input is Encoding of 2 DFAs

    • Sub-machine/Mapping function:

      • Takes encoding, writes $\langle C \rangle$ for $Y$ – See previous proof of $EQ_{DFA}$

  • $Y = H_{TM}$, $X = A_{TM}$

    • $X$ is proven to be undecideable

    • Show $X$ is reducible to $Y$

    • $X$'s decider takes an encoding of $\langle M, w \rangle$ and decides acceptance and rejection

    • If $Y$ accepts, simulate $M$ on $w$, finally accepting if $M$ accepts, rejecting otherwise, including if $Y$ rejects

    • Formally proven:

      • Assume, for a contradiction, assume that $HALT_{TM}$ is decidable and $Y$ is the decider for it.

      • Design a decider $X$ on input $\langle M, w \rangle$

        • Check validity of $\langle M, w \rangle$

          • Reject if invalid

        • Simulate $Y$ on $\langle M, w \rangle$

          • If $Y$ accepts, simulate $M$ on $w$

            • If $M$ accepts, accept.

            • If $M$ rejects, reject.

          • If $Y$ rejects, reject.

      • Then, $A_{TM}$ is decideable. $\textreferencemark$

      • Therefore, as the assumption is wrong, $HALT_{TM}$ is undecideable.

  • Mapping Reduction for the above

    • Define $f$ such that if $Y$ rejects, $X$ rejects, if $Y$ accepts, $X$ accepts

    • To be continued

Lecture 35: Chapter 5

  • If $X \leq 1$, and $X$ is undecideable, then $Y$ is undecideable.

  • $X = A_{TM}$, $Y = \overline{E_{TM}}$

    • Proof. For the purpose of contradiction, assume that $Y$ is decideable, and we have a decider for it.

      • Then define $f$ taking input for $X$ and mapping it to input $Y$ (a decider for $X$)

      • Accept if decider for $Y$, accept, likewise for rejection

      • Most important step: Defining the Mapping

        • $\langle M, w \rangle \in A_{TM} \iff f(\langle M, w \rangle) = \langle T \rangle \in \overline{E_{TM}}$

          • In, $L(T) \neq \emptyset$, $\langle T \rangle$ is invalid

          • Not in, $L(T) = \emptyset$

        • Function $f$ as follows:

          • $$L(T) = \left\{ \begin{matrix} \neq \emptyset & M \text{accepts} w\\\emptyset & \text{otherwise}\end{matrix}\right.$$

        • $f$ outputs $\langle T \rangle$

        • Simulate decider for $\overline{E_{TM}}$ on $\langle T \rangle$

          • If accepts, accept; reject otherwise

      • $T$ works by taking any string, and simulates $M$ on $w$, accepting if accepts, rejecting if rejects. Looping if loop

  • $X = \overline{A_{TM}}$, $Y = EQ_{TM}$

    • For the purpose of contradiction, assume $Y$ is recognizeable and we have a TM for $Y$

    • Then $f$ goes from $\langle M, w \rangle$ to $\langle T_1, T_2 \rangle$

      • $T_1$

        • takes in $t_1$

        • Always rejects

      • $T_2$

        • takes in $t_2$

        • Simulate $M$ on $w$

          • Accept if accept

          • reject otherwise

    • Contradiction, as $X$ is unrecognizeable

Lecture 36: Chapter 5, Continued

  • $W_{TM} = \{ \langle T \rangle | T\ \text{writes symbol}\ a\ \text{on the tape at some point}\}$

  • $A_{TM} \leq W_{TM}$

    • Assume there exists a decider for $W_{TM}$

    • Define mapping function $f$

      • $\langle T \rangle$ operates as follows:

        • Replace all instances of $a$ in $M$ with a different symbol (not otherwise in the alphabet), for instance $A$

        • Then, simulate $M$ on $w$

          • If $M$ accepts, write $a$ on the tape

          • Otherwise, write nothing on the tape

          • In all cases, accept/reject/loop as appropriate

  • Mappings map from $\langle M, w \rangle$ to $\langle T \rangle$

    • Implementation may do various things

    • including modifying the original encoding string

    • And there are many possible mappings

    • And may work by adding a new transition after replacing certain things

Summary of TM Problems

Languages of a TM

  • $L(T)$ contains $\epsilon$ – Undecideable

  • $L(T)$ is regular – Undecideable

  • $L(T)$ is Turing-recognizeable – Decideable

Run-time Behavior

  • $T$ writes $a$ – Undecideable

  • $T$ runs for not more than 10 steps on $\epsilon$ – Decideable

State-transition diagram

  • $T$ has more than 10 states – Decideable

  • $T$ has no more than 10 right transitions – Decideable

Rice's Theorem

  • $P_{TM} \left\{ \langle T \rangle \mid L(T)\ \text{has property}\ P \right\}$

    • If $P$ is a trivial property, then $P_{TM}$ is decideable

    • If $P$ is a non-trivial property, then $P_{TM}$ is undecideable

    • A Property $P$ is trivial if all $L(T)$ have $P$ or none has $P$

Lecture 37: Linear Bounded Automata

  • $A_{LBA}$ – acceptance of LBAs

  • LBA – Linear Bounded Automaton

    • A modification of a turing machine with a limited and finite tape size

    • tape is $n$ cells, where $n$ is the length of the input string

    • Proof of acceptance (using decider)

      • Consider total number of configurations – $mg^nn$

        • $n$ is number of input symbols

        • $m$ is number of machine states

        • $g$ is number of tape symbols ($|\Gamma|$)

      • Simulate for $mg^nn$ steps

        • If $L$ accepts $w$, then accept

        • If $L$ rejects, reject

        • If $L$ does not stop within this number of steps, reject

Homework Mistakes – Mapping Reduction

  • $A_{TM} \leq L_{TM}$ – $L_{TM}_{}$ – T does not loop on $\epsilon$

    • Design $f$ that maps to $T$. Assume that there is a decider $Y$ for $L_{TM}$

    • Design $X$ for $A_{TM}$ as follows:

      • $f$ maps M,w to T

      • Simulate $Y$ on T

      • If $Y$ accepts, then $X$ accepts

      • If $Y$ rejects, then $X$ rejects

    • Therefore, $A_{TM}$ is decideable. Contradiction.

    • Proof needs a definition of $f$ – be careful about this